Ciera & Cody Engagement Photoshoot

Engagement Photoshoot in Virginia

Cody & Ciera

Ciera and Cody are the sweetest couple a photographer has ever had the privilege to work with. We love them and their genuine love for each other. They were so much fun to shoot, and we can't wait to show off more of these great engagement photos!

I can't believe it's been two years since I started working with Ciera and Cody. They are such an amazing couple, and I am so lucky to be able to capture every moment of their love story.


Love is the most important thing in the world. It's a feeling of strong affection and commitment, as well as tenderness and compassion.

Love can be expressed by words or actions—it's up to you!

Love is not only about being together, but also about being apart sometimes too; that's why people get married after knowing each other for only one year; because they know how much they need each other at this point in their lives (or even before).


Now that you’re engaged, it’s important to keep your emotions in check. , try to remind yourself that the time is right for you. You know what you want from life and this is an opportunity for you to make your dreams come true together!

Engagement is a happy time.

It’s a commitment to love, and it means you are ready to celebrate your love with the person you intend to spend the rest of your life with. It also means you can look forward to the future and plan for it together!

Ciera & Cody engagement photoshoot at Maymont Japanese Garden

I don’t know what it is about Ciera and Cody, but they just seem to be so happy together. Being engaged is hard enough as it is, but when you have a great relationship like theirs with each other, then it all goes even more smoothly! With all of these photos taken by me (and my camera), I hope that I captured some of that happiness for both of them.

These two are ridiculously cute together!

Ciera & Cody on golden hour

Ciera and Cody are the type of couple who are so easy to photograph because they bring so much energy and enthusiasm to every shoot. They both have a lot of ideas about how to pose for pictures, which makes my job easier (and more fun). Andreà, our director of photography did an was so amazing, she was able to help the couple with their posing, as Makorov, the photographer can deeply focus on capturing those beautiful engagement pictures.

One thing I love about these two is that they're always laughing at my jokes. You can tell that they were meant for each other because they have such similar senses of humor.

We had a blast shooting Ciera & Cody's engagement session. It was so much fun to see how much they love each other and how easy they are with each other. These two will be married in just a few short months!